Our investor relations activities seek to support the liquidity and fair pricing of Nykode Therapeutics’ shares, and ensuring that Nykode is perceived as a reliable, accessible and professional company by current and potential investors and analysts.
The overarching objective of Nykode’s IR activities is to inform and communicate with investors, analysts and other IR stakeholders about the Company’s activities and to do so openly, honestly and in a timely fashion. We do this in compliance with relevant national statutory requirements and market regulations.
Shareholder information
Major Shareholders
Dividend Policy
Nykode Theraputics ASA
The company has not made any dividend payments for previous years
Investor relations policy
Nykode Therapeutics aspires to provide a high service within investor relations
Responsibility and Organisation
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the Company’s compliance with this IR policy, and reports directly to the Chairman of the Board of directors.
The Chief Executive Officer is authorized as spokesperson to communicate with capital market participants.
Publication of Financial Reports and Other Information
As a company listed on the Oslo stock exchange, Nykode publishes statements of financial results and makes other company announcements to the public in accordance with relevant statutory requirements.
Events and Meetings with Investors and Analysts
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for Nykode’s contact with investors and analysts, for example through regular roadshows, investor conferences, group and individual meetings, ad hoc calls and e-mail messages. We also host company updates and similar events as needed in order to further increase transparency and dialogue with investment communities. We aim at hosting a company update every year to allow investors and analysts to enhance their insights and understanding of our business.
Our communications with private shareholders primarily take place via delivery of annual reports, interim reports and company news- or announcements which are electronically distributed via the Oslo stock exchange.